
Untel Music Video

Freelance project for a French Rapper. The brief was a dark and moody 3D animation of the artist walking down an alleyway in a PSX style aesthetic. Most Textures were hand painted and animated whilst staying true to the blocky PSX style.


Medical VR Demo

Freelance project for a masters student at Queen's University Belfast. I was in charge of all the 3D models and animation that had to be an accurate representation to be used in a training scenario.

Textures Examples

Artwork Recreations

Wassily Kandinsky - Joyous Ascent Recreation

René Magritte - Son of Man Recreaction


This project was done as part of my studio project for my forth year in the Glasgow School of Art. The different artworks were chosen for their ability to translate into 3D and the original artists intentions. I chose this subject for my forth year project to try and bridge the gap between traditional art forms and the 3D medium.


Autodesk Maya
Marvelous Designer
Substance Painter
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Media Encoder
Adobe Audition
Artec Studio

Progress Images

Castle Recontruction


This was a dissertation project in my forth year at the Glasgow School of Art. The dissertation compared information retention between film and 3D interactive environments within heritage visualisation.

An accurate reconstruction of Tantallon Castle was made to compare the two mediums using on site reference images and interviews.


Autodesk Maya
Substance Painter
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Media Encoder
Adobe After Effects



3D Interactive Environment


Reference Images

Progress Images

VR Duck, Duck, Move


Duck, Duck, Move was a VR project developed as a two player game. This game was based on the classic fairground game where you shoot the duck target. In this game one player had a 3D printed helmet attachment that controlled the duck and the other player attempts to hit the duck inside VR with virtual bean bags.


Autodesk Maya
Steam VR
UltiMaker Cura


Progress Images

All rights reserved Copyright © 2023 Owen Burns